Verzaubernde, kreative, natürliche Portraits
Babybauch - Neugeborene - Family - Verliebte - Lifestyle & ästhetische Boudoirfotografie

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Ganz normal anders

some more photos for the exhibition in May - 
taken today in cooperation with the Lebenshilfe Werkstätte Oberndorf.
It's an honour to be working with these really special people. 
They are so totally honest, what they say, they actually mean. And knowing that is very comforting. 
Always with them: Therapy dog "Paul". 
He makes me want to get a dog straight away :)


  1. EEeeeeeeeeeeep I <3 bloody really really love them.....I could just capture them so honestly and they obviously feel very relaxed with you and your camera.....just love them x

  2. I love these and this whole project! I agree, you must make them feel so relaxed and great! As for Paul - he is so darn cute - get a dog - we just got one and love him! Already!

  3. Just simply very beautiful...well done, you should be very proud xxxx

  4. Es steckt so viel Lebensfreude in den Bildern.. freue mich schon unheimlich auf die Ausstellung!! <3
