Verzaubernde, kreative, natürliche Portraits
Babybauch - Neugeborene - Family - Verliebte - Lifestyle & ästhetische Boudoirfotografie

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Day 21: Just the two of us...

The flu has got me in it's grip since 3 days now and I grab every oportunity for a rest. But thursday is the day where J and me meet up in a little Café whilst our boys are at their meditation class and have a quick drink and chat - alone for once - and there is no way I would have missed that! 
PS: I forgot to mention that I had to take these with my mobile phone as I did bring the camera without battery! Dough!

Die Grippe hat mich seit  3 Tagen in ihren Fängen und ich bin um jede Minute Pause froh. Aber Donnerstag ist der Tag an dem J und ich uns in einem kleinen Cafè treffen während unsere Jungs auf Traumreise gehen. Dass wir uns einfach gemütlich alleine unterhalten können kommt nicht sehr oft vor und das hätte ich mir auch heute nicht entgehen lassen!
PS: ich hab vergessen zu erwähnen, dass ich diese Fotos mit meinem Handy machen musste, weil ich meine Kamera ohne Batterie mitgenommen hab! Argh!



  1. how fun!
    i love that top picture.
    makes me want to take a trip to europe,
    as i've never been.
    ..actually i've never been out of the states, except to old Mexico. but that doesn't count as i was only 2 and don't remember it. :)

  2. Well, book yourself on a plane then ;-)
    We are lucky to have so many quaint little towns and different cultures squeezed together I guess. I have never been out of Europe and really wouldn't mind a trip to the US or OZ... ;-)
