Verzaubernde, kreative, natürliche Portraits
Babybauch - Neugeborene - Family - Verliebte - Lifestyle & ästhetische Boudoirfotografie

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Day 18: A fish called Ewan

He likes being in the tub - for hours - especially when I sit next to him and read him a book. So because he was off school today I decided to give him a bath in the morning. That made him very happy and me too - because for once I got the chance to take bathroom pictures with natural light :)
Er liebt die Badewanne - stundenlang - am meisten, wenn ich ihm nebenbei ein Buch vorlese! Heute durfte er von der Schule zu Hause bleiben und er war happy, weil er schon am Vormittag baden durfte und ich war/bin happy, weil ich endlich mal Badewannenfotos mit natürlichem Licht machen konnte :)


  1. oh, i love this picture of him!
    so cute!! :)

  2. Thanks Alisia! He is and looking at that pic you wouldn't believe how naughty he can be at times!!! Good job I love him so much ;-)
