Verzaubernde, kreative, natürliche Portraits
Babybauch - Neugeborene - Family - Verliebte - Lifestyle & ästhetische Boudoirfotografie

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Home Sweet Home

we had a short but sweet break in Italy and enjoyed every minute of it. 
Somebody already asked me, how I survived 8 whole days 
without internet & telephone and let me tell you it was EASY! 
We had outdoor breakfasts eating parma ham, melon & ciabatta in the company of wild peacocks, 
we cycled a lot and enjoyed vast deserted beaches. 
I managed to read two hole books and sleep lots - pure BLISS! 
Once I even got up extra early to watch the sun rise out on the sea - which was absolutely magical!
We even took a trip to beautiful Venice but to be honest, I really preferred the peace and nature of the Island Albarella to the overcrowded city!
So I am all set for the challenges that are being thrown my way over the next few months! 
Thanks for still following xoxoxo

Thursday, 14 April 2011


Es gibt zwei wichtige Nachrichten:
1. bin ich von Freitag 15.April bis Dienstag 26.April 2011 auf Urlaub - ohne Internet und ohne Telefon!
2. wird meine Homepage gerade überarbeitet und für den Fall, dass sie mich auf meiner offiziellen Email-Adresse nicht erreichen bitte ich sie bis auf weiteres Ihre Anfragen direkt an: zu senden

Reisebericht folgt :)
Ich bitte um Euer Verständnis für entstehende Wartezeiten!
Herzlichen Dank & Ein frohes Osterfest Euch allen & bis bald
Siegrid xoxoxo
image taken with my mini Diana (Lomography) - it's one thing that is always in my purse for super cute snap shots!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


Four gorgeous young women & best friends
I loved their style, the way their different personalities just make them all a perfect match, friends who you can tell just belong together -  
through thick and thin
I had a blast photographing them and girls, 
I hope you love your photos!!!

 Alle Bilder auf dieser Seite: © Siegrid Cain Photography - 
sie dürfen nur unbeschnitten und mit meinem Wasserzeichen verwendet werden!
All photographs on this page:© Siegrid Cain Photography. All rights reserved.
You may only use them without cropping out my watermark!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Cute Boudoir Shoot

The body is meant to be seen 
not all covered up!!! Marylin Monroe

...and that's all I am going to say in this matter.
Isn't she just gorgeous!!!

Farben können je nach Bildschirmkalibrierung variieren -
bei den meisten Maschinen sind sie etwas heller als in echt!
Alle Bilder © Siegrid Cain Photography 2008-2011 - sie dürfen nur unbeschnitten online verwendet werden!

Monday, 4 April 2011

What I have been up to

there just is no time to blog every shoot I have at the moment. It's crazy days - really! So here's another summary of what I have been up to during the last week or so :) 
I love to see, who's been a-looking - so if you have a spare minute and drop me a line or two I'd be so so happy! x

A sweet family with a baby on the way:

...and a baby boy,
who was much too nosy to go to sleep :)

and a fun family shoot :)

A bunch of 4 gorgeous sisters:

and a pretty romantic teenage girl who has a twin
Farben können je nach Bildschirmkalibrierung variieren - 
bei den meisten Maschinen sind sie etwas heller als in echt!
Alle Bilder © Siegrid Cain Photography 2008-2011 - sie dürfen nur unbeschnitten online verwendet werden!