Verzaubernde, kreative, natürliche Portraits
Babybauch - Neugeborene - Family - Verliebte - Lifestyle & ästhetische Boudoirfotografie

Friday, 30 July 2010

Day x Need for Sleep

I have terribly neglected my daily photo project... 
But be assured - it's not due to laziness or lack of creative ideas. 
It's totally and utterly due to being overworked. 
If I had known this at the start of the 2010, I don't think I would have started the project at all. 
I had no idea how many jobs I would get during this year and I often stare at all the upcoming events and appointments and just can't believe it's all for me to do. 
So despite being a bit overworked on top of having the kids home for a full 9 weeks summer holidays I still love my job and am delighted to get to shoot so many great people :)))
I will go to sleep extra early as there is a big full day wedding ahead of me. Have a happy weekend everyone. 

Tuesday, 27 July 2010


Vor 15 Tagen kam dieser kleine Sonnenschein zur Welt 
und hat in der kurzen Zeit schon so einige Herzen erobert
Unter anderem das seiner süssen "grossen" Schwester und seiner stolzen Eltern (und Großeltern und Tanten und Onkel und mir und und und). 
Sie alle haben sich nach einer schlaflosen Nacht sehr geduldig und wacker durch das Shooting geschlagen. 
Ich hoffe Ihr könnt heute wieder besser schlummern :) 
 Für mich ist es immer ganz besonders besonders wenn eine Kindheitsfreundin Mama wird!!! 
Danke für die nette Zeit und Euer Vertrauen xxx 
15 days ago this little sunshine came into the world and stole the hearts of many. 
His cute "big" sisters, his parents 
(grandparents and aunties and uncles and mine and and and)
After a sleepless night they managed to go through the shoot very patiently and brave!
I do hope very much that you'll sleep better tonight!
It's always so very special, when a childhood friend becomes a mummy!!!
Thanks for the lovely time and putting your trust in me! xxx

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Ferienzeit :)

Ich mache Urlaub!!!
Vom 18.7. bis einschl. 27.7. bin ich deswegen nicht zu erreichen
Um alle Anfragen - telefonisch und per Email- die ich noch nicht beantworten konnte werde ich mich nach meiner Rückkehr kümmern. An Euch und alle, die noch auf Ihre Fotos warten: 
Danke Danke Danke für Eure Geduld! :)
Ich wünsche Euch allen eine wunderschöne Zeit und freu mich schon auf alle Herausforderungen die die nächsten  Shootings bieten werden. 
Übrigens gibt es nur noch begrenzte Termine für dieses Jahr. 
Wer also noch Interesse hat sich von mir fotografieren zu lassen: 
bitte schnell melden und Termin vereinbaren bevor es zu spät ist!!!! 
Der letztmögliche Termin vor Weihnachten ist 
Samstag, 20. November 2010! 

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Girls are...

...Sugar And Spice And All Things Nice
this little lady here is only 4 weeks "old" and 
has already wrapped her mummy and daddy around her teeny tiny finger
She's cute as a button and hasn't she got the cutest smoochy lips and did you notice the hair???  :)))

Monday, 12 July 2010

The beauty of giving

We have neighbours who are so poor that they couldn't afford to buy the
 kindergarten photos of their children which I took recently. 
The mum doesn't speak our language at all so we always just wave and smile when we bump into each other. 
It was heartbreaking to hear this. It must be hard enough living away from all family but then to have such big financial problems and 3 kids to feed on top of it... they also don't have a camera so they don't have ANY photos of their kids - can you imagine that??? 
Well, long story short, I didn't have to think twice and gave them to them for free of course. So this morning, whilst my boys where still asleep the doorbell rings and here stands my lovely neighbour laden with bags full of cakes she baked for us as a thank you... I was gobsmacked and wish so much I could have talked to her and told her that that was absolutely not necessary and all... 
Well, we'll enjoy the cakes and then I'll think of another little something I can do for them
For what it's worth: THANK YOU sweet neighbour lady!!! 

Saturday, 3 July 2010

coolest engagement session EVER - updated

They wanted seriously cool, totally non-romantic engagement photos. 
Just the challenge I needed! 
So after much debating with myself 
(and poor poor Jamie who always is drawn into my "with-myself-debates" which sometimes go on for weeks) we decided on a local train station early in the morning before the sun would be to up high and too hot. 
This is a sneak peek of my trying to do cool - I hope you like: