Verzaubernde, kreative, natürliche Portraits
Babybauch - Neugeborene - Family - Verliebte - Lifestyle & ästhetische Boudoirfotografie

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Take time to smell the flowers

Oh dear, Sunday's nearly over and I spent the whole day - safe for 1 hour at lunch - editing, writing bills etc. etc. Not exactly what Sundays are for - but I do really have to catch up with my backlog! 
Anhow - enough with the moaning. 
Every day I drive past this gorgeous poppy field and it always makes me smile. 
Yesterday I managed to take a few snaps of it :) 
Night night dear friends

Friday, 28 May 2010

Winter, Spring and Summer - all in one day

Heute war großes Finale für das große Vier-Jahreszeiten-Tanz-Projekt:
(Für die, die neu zu meinen Lesern gekommen sind gibt es hier im Herbst genaueres dazu erklärt und hier könnt Ihr Euch auch noch die Winter Fotografien zum Thema anschauen.)
Eigentlich hatten wir morgen für den Termin festgelegt aber nachdem der Wetterbericht keine sehr erfreulichen Prognosen für Samstag erstellt hat, haben die Tanzlehrerin Regina Shabani und ich kurzerhand entschieden, dass wir auf heute Nachmittag vorverlegen.
Dies bedeutete für uns einen Nachmittag unter extremem Zeitdruck aber  
Ich kann's kaum glauben, dass alles im Kasten ist!
Ein riesiger Dank geht erst mal an meine Freundin Veronika.
Sie hat uns kurzfristigst Ihr gesamtes Haus und Grundstück zur Verfügung gestellt, uns und die ca 30 Kids mit Getränken und Eis versorgt und zusammen mit Regina auch noch Shuttle-Service für die Mädels gemacht damit den Eltern keine Umstände entstehen.
Und das alles mit einer unheimlich großen Selbstverständlichkeit! Danke Danke Danke und Dickes Bussi! :)
Danke an Dich, Regina für Deine nie endende Einsatzbereitschaft und Liebe für die Kinder, Deine positive Energie und die super Laune, die Du in jeder noch so anstrengenden Situation versprühst!!!
Ihr müsst wissen, wir hatten im Endeffekt pro Kind maximal 2 Minuten Zeit zum Fotografieren zur Verfügung!
Und natürlich geht ein dreifaches Dankeschön an all die Kinder. Ihr wart so blitzschnell beim Umziehen, habt jeden Blödsinn mitgemacht und mit Euch zu Arbeiten ist immer wieder ein Genuss!!!
Hier sind sie also, die Auszüge aus dem heutigen Marathon-Shooting




Thursday, 27 May 2010

Time is not so much on my side...

...irgendwie hat es dieses Jahr ganz schön in sich! 
Meine Email-Inbox ist ständig voll und das Telefon klingelt ununterbrochen - 
ich kann es oft kaum fassen, wie groß das Interesse an meiner Arbeit ist und es freut mich einfach unheimlich so viele Anfragen zu erhalten!!!
Nur leider sind meine administrativen Fähigkeiten nicht ganz so ausgeprägt wie ich das gerne hätte. ;)
Das Wetter hat mir schon einige male einen dicken, fetten Strich durch die Terminliste gemacht 
und so hinke ich momentan ständig mit meiner Arbeit hinterher. (Und von meinem Haushalt/Garten fang ich hier lieber gar nicht zu erzählen an - die sind inzwischen ganz ernsthaft vernachlässigt und sicherlich sehr beleidigt...)
Mein schlechtes Gewissen wächst ununterbrochen und ich hoffe einfach ganz fest dass 
all Ihr wundervollen Klienten mir nicht böse seid!!!!
Ihr seid ganz einfach die Besten! 
Und jetzt mach ich mich ganz schnell wieder an die Arbeit :) 
Gute Nacht xxx
...this year is pure madness! 
My inbox is always full, my phone rings non-stop...It blows my mind how many queries I get regarding my work. Sometimes I just can't believe it!!!
Unfortunately my admin skills are not quite as refined as I often wish ;-)
Also weather has crossed many a plans for shoots this year and so I am constantly dealing with a backlog of editing, orders, ringing/writing back to clients etc.
I feel terribly guilty and hope all of you wonderful clients of mine can forgive me the waiting periods - you are all amazing people and I am so glad to have met you!!! 
Better get back to work now!
Night night you guys xxx

Saturday, 22 May 2010

See you next week :)

Yep that's right. 
We're off to Munich to just hang out as a family. 
Museum, Zoo, Fast Food.... and whatever else a big city offers. 
I can't wait - it feels like a lifetime ago that we did fun stuff as a family. 
Usually it's one of us with the kids because the other one has work to do. And work never seems to be finished so we decided it was time for a time-out. 
I for my part can't wait to go and I am hoping that I'll manage to grab at least one Chai-Latte at that green/black coffee-shop chain :)  
Enjoy your weekend too!!!! Love from Siegrid

Friday, 21 May 2010

Weather complaints...

Everyone here complains about the weather nowadays. Me included. It's freezing cold and we still need to fully heat the house even though it's the middle of May. 
The pools and lakes are open for swimming since 3 Weeks and we're wearing winter coats... 
So yes, we are in desperate need for warmth and sunshine. 
But I remembered what someone told me not long ago:
"People always complain about the "bad" weather when it's raining but really we have to call it "rainy" weather. Imagine our part of the world without the rain...." 
Very true and looking out the window proofed this right: Nature is exploding in the most amazing shades of green, driving through forests is nearly surreal, it feels like entering a vivid rain forest painting... and the other day I caught myself checking if I had my pole-filter shades on because the greens were so amazing!
Hey, this is me trying to see the positive side of things!!! 
Enjoy your weekend! 

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Ein neuer Stern am Himmel

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
Ich hab's ja schon oft gesagt aber für mich ist es wahrscheinlich der schönste Teil meiner Arbeit wenn ich ein Neugeborenes Baby fotografieren darf. Sie verändern sich täglich und so ist es wundervoll, 
all diese kleinen Details und Momente festhalten zu dürfen.
Gestern durfte ich den kleinen M. besuchen. 9 Tage alt und schon ein absoluter Herzensbrecher. 
Der ganze stolz seiner Eltern - man spürt wie sehr er geliebt wird!!!
Danke dass ihr mich augewählt habt um diese besondere Zeit festzuhalten, dass ich ihn als eine der ersten kennenlernen durfte und für Eure Geduld (Babysessions dauern einfach länger...)
Alles Liebe

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Being silly cousin and me planned this little photoshoot because we wanted to surprise our darling friend Mina of House21 with some fun pictures on her birthday morning. I think it worked ;-)
It was Jamie who actually took the pictures and you can see more on his blog
Please note that we did deliberately try to look silly ;-) It was a lot of fun and we couldn't look at ourselves at first but now we got used to the sillyness and the red lips we quite like the pics and I am sure in years to come we'll love having them :)

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Busy Bee ...

Oh how I wish I would be better at organising my time...
These last few weeks I have photographed schools and kindergartens and first communions - due to privacy protection I will not post any photos from these sessions. 
You just have to believe me when I say that I am very busy ;-)))
So this evening I am finally getting round to editing the last photos of this gorgeous little girl and her baby sister. Their mum must have incredible amounts of patience in her - she has not yet run down my door to finally get the photos but I really wouldn't blame her if she did!!! 

Sunday, 16 May 2010

being an Angel for one day...

It was another first communion today. 
A big day for those darling girls (and some boys).  
Unfortunately none of my sun-dancing helped at all and the weather was very unwelcoming and nasty. 
But my little models faced the cold bravely and with a huge smile on their faces (whilst their parents watched wrapped up in winter coats and scarfes...) 
I discovered that my famous shoot boots now are NOT waterproof anylonger and need to be replaced IMMEDIATELY. But you know what I am so not upset about having to go shoe shopping ;-) 
I hope you all have a warmer Sunday than me. 
I might just light a fire and cuddle up with my favourite men now xxx

Sunday, 9 May 2010

I love you everyday anyway... what Ewan said to me today! 
And this is one of the darling presents my boys have made me: Snail-houses used as tiny vases :)
 I am not a Mother's Day kind of woman. 
But it was cute how my lads (all 3 of them) washed the dishes this morning... 
So the kitchen would be clear for me to bake pies for my own mum. It was hard work to sit and wait for them to finally finished - they took FOREVER!!! So I took over after that... 
Jamie sent them to get dressed and I was like "NOOOOO - I'll get their clothes ready for them. I want them to look nice today!!!" 
And I was thinking to myself that really I shouldn't complain too much about daily chores because when they do try and help out they just can't do it right enough for me. I am close to physical pain when I make them hoover and I have to stand back and watch and am absolutely not allowed to have a quick go myself after, in order NOT to insult them...
So guys, I love all of YOU everyday anyway too!!!! 
I wanted photos of US taken today... but nothing ever happens the way you want it too... So we have one snap-shot taken by my mum. The only family photo that actually exists... Very sad me thinks... I need a photographer - ASAP!!!

Friday, 7 May 2010


a woolly hat you wonder... well - that's what our weather is like nowadays!!! It reminds me a bit of Irish winters and that makes it a bit easier to cope with for me. But I am annoyed about all the shoots that have to be cancelled and I have no idea how I am supposed to squeeze all my clients in when the weather decides to get a bit warmer... Only time will tell and until then I hope you all have a happy weekend :)

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Party of five

Mit ein bisschen Verspätung... Danke für Eure Geduld - ich hoffe die ersten Bilder gefallen Euch :)